We're excited for our FUN RUN KICK-OFF Day! Remember our Fun Run will be on Friday, May 24th. We have a special REGISTRATION GOAL: to get as many students registered on mybooster.com as possible! If we can get 60% of our school registered, then our whole school will get a PJ DAY! REGISTER TODAY! Your student(s) can star in a video with YouTube Trick Shot stars, Dude Perfect! How?! Head to MYBOOSTER.COM to register your student for our fundraiser and make a Student Star Video on mybooster.com. Click the “Share Button” to share with 3 people that you know! That's not all… the class with the most Student Star videos will earn a bonus prize for the whole class!
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
Tonight's Challenge
Dude Perfect
Peter Thacher Elementary School Families, Our Thacher and ELC Panda Pride Fun Run kicked off today! This year, our school is raising funds for technology and enrichment. Our goal is to raise $25,000, and, if you’d like to, we are inviting YOU to help! Here’s how you can support Peter Thacher Elementary School: 1. Register on mybooster.com tonight. It’s so easy! 2. Share about our fundraiser with your family and friends using the SHARE BUTTON on mybooster.com. 3. Give a donation, if you are able. Thank you for supporting our school!. We can’t wait for the Thacher and ELC Panda Pride Fun Run happening on 05/24/2024! -Thacher/ELC PTO
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
24-25 Transportation Application Open! New this year, all eligible students, including Kindergarten and First grade, who wish to ride the bus to/from any of the Attleboro Public Schools MUST complete the Transportation Application. The only exception to this is for those with specialized transportation needs listed in an IEP. Families should refer to the email sent on May 3, 2024, or visit the APS Transportation website for details: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation
9 months ago, Welcome Center
24-25 transportation open
The PTO meeting scheduled for this evening has been canceled. It will be rescheduled to a future date.
9 months ago, Frank Rich
Please take a moment to read this week's edition of the school's newsletter: The Panda Press: https://secure.smore.com/n/zh07p8
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
Just 1️⃣ week until kick-off for our Thacher and ELC Panda Pride Fun Run! You can get a head start by registering your student and donating TODAY to help our school. Once on mybooster.com, you’ll be able to use cool features like the Student Star Video and share your donation page to earn entries into the Disney Family Trip Giveaway. Head to MYBOOSTER.COM now to register, share, and give. Thank you for your support!
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
Happening Tonight: Join Ben Quelle, Attleboro's Director of Veteran Services, for a read aloud & fun activity! This program is part of Attleboro's 1ABC Reading Passport program for kids in grades 1-4, so don't forget to bring your passport for a stamp! Registration is requested but not required. View flier for details: https://core-docs.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3035/APSWC/4280614/Veteran_s_Department_READS.pdf
9 months ago, Welcome Center
veteran's department reads
Please take a moment to read this week's edition of the school's newsletter, The Panda Press: https://secure.smore.com/n/ayxcj3
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
PP 5-3
Next week, May 6th-10th, we are looking forward to celebrating the PAWsome staff we have at Thacher and the Early Learning Center! Here are some ways your family can participate and our spirit days for the week!
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
Appreciation Spirit Days
Appreciation Days
Today there will be added police presence at Thacher during arrival, as officers from the Attleboro Police will join our students and staff during the Walk 2 School. We're looking forward to this great event!
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
walk to school
❗️ IT’S GO TIME ❗️ Registration is open for our Thacher and ELC Panda Pride Fun Run kicking off on 05/15/2024. This is the first step to helping our school reach our fundraising goal this year. Once you’re registered, you have access to all of the fun sharing & donation features to help us raise funds. Features like: ⭐️ The Student Star Video featuring YouTube Trickshot Stars, Dude Perfect! 💬 Easy Email and Texting 🍏 Automatic payment features, like Apple Pay Don’t wait! Head to mybooster.com today. Thanks for your support!
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
Good afternoon, This evening's PTO Meeting will be held virtually starting at 6:30pm. Please use the following link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83205755366pwd=jXZWVwvqV4u9b1JhNyKaiQrgfqbacE.1 Hope to see you there!
9 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
Virtual PTO Mtg
Please take a moment to read this week's edition of the school's newsletter, The Panda Press: https://www.smore.com/n/5bjq1
10 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
PP 4-26
Attleboro Public Schools and the City of Attleboro are pleased to host the second annual Attleboro Career Fair, being held on Tuesday, May 14, 2024, from 4:30-6:30 PM at Attleboro High School. Screening interviews for school-based positions and free childcare can be scheduled by completing the registration form. All interested applicants should bring an updated resume. Please register to let us know you’re coming! https://forms.gle/JHuaVHiLuWNExKXY7 For more details on the career opportunities and hosts available at the fair please see the flier: https://tinyurl.com/22xxewvt
10 months ago, Welcome Center
attleboro career fair 2024
We will be celebrating Jiji's birthday on Friday!
10 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
jiji day
Reminder: tomorrow is a Pajama/Cozy Day to help us ease back into school.
10 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
PJ/Cozy Day
We look forward to seeing all students as we return to school tomorrow, Monday, April 22, 2024.
10 months ago, Welcome Center
attend today, achieve tomorrow
attend today, achieve tomorrow spanish
attend today, achieve tomorrow arabic
Looking for something to do over April break? Click the link below for more information on local events and activities happening this week! https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/school-break-opportunities As a reminder, the APS Welcome Center and Central Office entrance will be closed to the public starting Friday, April 12, 2024, and reopen on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.
10 months ago, Welcome Center
Please take a moment to read this week's edition of the school's newsletter, The Panda Press: https://www.smore.com/n/fksb9.
10 months ago, Thacher Elementary School
Panda Press - 4/12/24
The APS Welcome Center and Central Office entrance will be closed to the public starting Friday, April 12, 2024, and reopen on Wednesday, April 24, 2024.
10 months ago, Welcome Center
Welcome Center and CO closed